Kamala Har­ris’ Secret Ser­vice Cov­ers Up Secu­ri­ty Cam­eras At Pri­vate Busi­ness, Breaks Into Build­ing: Report

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris‘ Secret Ser­vice detail was caught on video com­mit­ting crimes against a local busi­ness own­er dur­ing a Har­ris cam­paign event late last month in Mass­a­chu­setts, accord­ing to a report.
Ali­cia Pow­ers, own­er of Four One Three Salon in Pitts­field, said that she would have been more than hap­py to let the Secret Ser­vice use her busi­ness as a com­fort sta­tion dur­ing Har­ris’ event in the city on Sat­ur­day July 27 if they had sim­ply asked her per­mis­sion.
“I’m the kind of per­son that would have set up cof­fee and dough­nuts for t …