There Can Be No Nego­ti­at­ing With An Elite Who Floods Their Coun­try With Ille­gal Migrants, Then Ignores, Excus­es Or Tac­it­ly Con­dones The Rape And Mur­der Of Natives By Those Migrants

There Can Be No Negotiating With An Elite Who Floods Their Country With Illegal Migrants, Then Ignores, Excuses Or Tacitly Condones The Rape And Murder Of Natives By Those Migrants

(Nat­ur­al News) ‘I Want To Talk To Men

(Arti­cle repub­lished from
Prob­a­bly one of the best pieces I wish to share (as above), I tweaked here and there a lit­tle but this is superb schol­ar­ship by WILLIAM HUNTER DUNCAN, a writer I admire. Tremen­dous writ­ing skill, con­tent and style. Excel­lent.
I think this piece is most suit­able now based on what we face as a soci­ety, in the west. We are under attack, and we have lit­tle time left. Our west­ern gov­ern­ments have sur­ren­dered to rad­i­cal islamist jihadist ter­ror­ists and to the ille­gal 3rd world scum. I have no doubt there are some good among them, peo­ple seek­ing a bet­ter way, for I know many, yet many, many …