Trump Decries ‘Vicious’ Ille­gal Immi­grant Sus­pect­ed Of Mur­der­ing Nashville Restau­rant Own­er

Trump Decries ‘Vicious’ Illegal Immigrant Suspected Of Murdering Nashville Restaurant Owner

Speak­ing at a packed ral­ly on Fri­day night in Mon­tana, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump lament­ed the death of a Nashville busi­ness own­er who police say was killed by an ille­gal immi­grant from Mex­i­co in a dead­ly hit-and-run.
Dur­ing his ral­ly, Trump spoke about 42-year-old Matt Car­ney, a restau­rant own­er who died in Nashville on July 4 after police say he was struck by a truck on June 19 dri­ven by 29-year-old ille­gal immi­grant Ulis­es Mar­tinez. Martinez’s immi­gra­tion sta­tus was first report­ed by The Dai­ly Wire last month with ICE say­ing that he entered the coun­try at an unknown date and loca­tion.
Trump, who has fre­quent­ly warned of a “migrant crime wave,” spoke about Carney’s de …