U.K. Issues Arrest War­rant For Social Media User ‘@Real_PopeFranci$’ Over Use Of Gay Slurs

LONDON — Cit­ing new laws crim­i­nal­iz­ing offen­sive online behav­ior, British police have issued an arrest war­rant for social media user “@Real_PopeFranci$” over repeat­ed posts fea­tur­ing gay slurs.
“Hate will not win. The British police will not abide the use of such deroga­to­ry term for homos,” announced Offi­cer Roy Blarthing­ton. “We’re com­ing for you, who­ev­er you are, ‘Real Pope Fran­cis.’ You can no longer hide your big­otry behind a screen.”
Accord­ing to sources, British police have been mon­i­tor­ing the account for s …