Bal­ance of pow­er: Trump cam­paign slams Sen Tester as ‘rad­i­cal­ly out of touch’ after abor­tion ad roll­out

<div>Balance of power: Trump campaign slams Sen Tester as 'radically out of touch' after abortion ad rollout</div>

For­mer Pres­i­dent Trump’s cam­paign slammed Sen. Jon Tester, D‑Mont., as “rad­i­cal­ly out of touch” after the vul­ner­a­ble Demo­c­rat rolled out sev­er­al new ads focused on abor­tion, claim­ing his oppo­nent would allow abor­tion to be banned with­out excep­tions. “Kamala Har­ris and Democ­rats like Jon Tester are rad­i­cal­ly out of touch with the major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans in their sup­port for abor­tion up until birth and even after birth, and forc­ing tax­pay­ers to fund it,” Trump spokesper­son Karo­line Leav­itt said in a state­ment to Fox News Dig­i­tal. The Mon­tana Democ­ra­t’s first ad last week fea­tured a woman claim­ing the Repub­li­can Sen­ate can­di­date in Mon­tana, Tim Shee­hy, would let an abor­tion ban be imple­ment­ed, even in a sit­u­a­tion where the pro­ce­dure is nec­es­sary “to save a wom­an’s life or health.” ‘FEEL BETRAYED’: TOP CONSERVATIVE GROUP …