Before Kamala Har­ris Copied Trump’s Pledge To Scrap The Tip Tax, Biden-Har­ris Admin Moved To Enforce Tip Tax­a­tion

Before Kamala Harris Copied Trump’s Pledge To Scrap The Tip Tax, Biden-Harris Admin Moved To Enforce Tip Taxation

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion announced a new pro­gram to “improve tip report­ing com­pli­ance” to the IRS more than a year before Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ pres­i­den­tial cam­paign promised to elim­i­nate tip tax­es.
The IRS and Trea­sury depart­ments intro­duced a new tip report­ing pro­gram last year called the Ser­vice Indus­try Tip Com­pli­ance Agree­ment (SITCA) pro­gram. The stat­ed goal of the pro­gram is to “improve tip report­ing com­pli­ance.”
“The pro­posed SITCA pro­gram is designed to take advan­tage of advance­ments in point-of-sale, time and atten­dance sys­tems, and elec­tron­ic pay­ment set­tle­ment meth­ods to improve tip report­ing com­pli­ance,” the IRS stat­ed in a Feb­ru­ary 2023 announce­ment. “The pro­posed pro­gram would also decrease tax­pay­er and IRS admin­is­tra­tive bur­dens and pro­vide more trans­paren­cy and cer­tain­ty to tax­pay­ers.”
The pro­gram i …