Cot­ton argues Harris’s han­dling of war in Gaza is rea­son she shouldn’t be pres­i­dent

Sen. Tom Cot­ton (R‑AR) ref­er­enced Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s han­dling of the con­flict in Gaza as why he believes she should not be pres­i­dent, argu­ing she has put more pres­sure on Israel than Hamas.
Cot­ton said the vice president’s han­dling of the war in Gaza since Oct. 7 is just one “exam­ple” of why Har­ris should not become com­man­der in chief. The Arkansas sen­a­tor con­tend­ed that Har­ris has tak­en claims from Hamas “at face val­ue” about civil­ian casu­al­ties and that Hamas, not Israel, is ulti­mate­ly respon­si­ble for any civil­ian casu­al­ties that occur.
“Kamala Har­ris, like Joe Biden, has put more pres­sure on Israel than they put on Hamas in the very begin­ning,” Cot­ton said on Fox News Sun­day with Shan­non Bream. “Just look back a cou­ple weeks ago when Prime Min­is­ter [Ben­jamin] Netanyahu was in town. She refused to pre­side over the joint ses­sion, her only con­sti­tu­tion­al duty as presid …