Har­ris Cam­paign Says Kamala Has Changed, But Will She Bring California’s Cli­mate Agen­da To The White House?

Harris Campaign Says Kamala Has Changed, But Will She Bring California’s Climate Agenda To The White House?

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris is sig­nal­ing to the pub­lic that her views on ener­gy issues have mod­er­at­ed, but pol­i­cy experts and pun­dits who spoke with the Dai­ly Caller News Foun­da­tion remain uncon­vinced that her evo­lu­tion is gen­uine.

Har­ris — who got her start in pol­i­tics in the pro­gres­sive bas­tion of San Fran­cis­co …