Megan Basham Reveals How ‘Non-Chris­t­ian Bil­lion­aires’ Are Co-opt­ing Church­es For Democ­rats

Megan Basham Reveals How ‘Non-Christian Billionaires’ Are Co-opting Churches For Democrats

Dai­ly Wire reporter Megan Basham out­lined Sun­day how bil­lion­aires such as George Soros and Bill Gates are infil­trat­ing Chris­t­ian church­es and dri­ving con­gre­gants to embrace pro­gres­sive pol­i­tics.
Basham appeared on Fox News to tout her book, “Shep­herds for Sale: How Evan­gel­i­cal Lead­ers Trad­ed the Truth for a Left­ist Agen­da,” in which she “doc­u­ments how pro­gres­sive power­bro­kers — from George Soros, to the founder of eBay, to for­mer mem­bers of the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion — set out to change the Amer­i­can church. Their goal: to co-opt evan­gel­i­cals for polit­i­cal pur­pos­es.”
Basham’s book, released late last month, made best­seller lists in The New York Times and USA Today after its release. The Da …