Scenes From a ‘Weird’ Ral­ly

Scenes From a ‘Weird’ Rally


Scenes From a ‘Weird’ Ral­ly

The Vance Philadel­phia event put the lie to a nar­ra­tive.

Cred­it: Joe Rae­dle via Get­ty Images

I attend­ed the Tues­day ral­ly for the Repub­li­can ticket’s num­ber two, Sen­a­tor J.D. Vance (R‑OH), in South Philadel­phia, with both the Tim Walz VP pick and the accu­sa­tion that Sen­a­tor Vance is “weird” fresh in my mind. I’ve fol­lowed Vance’s career for years; before he announced his run for the U.S. Sen­ate in 2021 I had already read Hill­bil­ly Ele­gy, quick­ly real­iz­ing that Vance was both extreme­ly tal­ent­ed and had tapped into some key cul­tur­al issues in Amer­i­can life. Until Tues­day, I had only read his works and seen his pol­i­cy work in the Sen­ate. I had nev­er heard him speak in per­son. For a …