Secret Ser­vice hints it wasn’t behind salon break-in dur­ing Kamala Har­ris cam­paign event

Secret Service hints it wasn’t behind salon break-in during Kamala Harris campaign event

The U.S. Secret Ser­vice has hint­ed it was not involved in the break-in of a hair salon dur­ing a Kamala Har­ris cam­paign event in Mass­a­chu­setts late last month. The alle­ga­tions of Secret Ser­vice involve­ment arose after the salon’s own­er, Ali­cia Pow­ers, alleged that agents put duct tape over her secu­ri­ty cam­eras and broke into her build­ing by pick­ing the lock. Secu­ri­ty cam­era footage shows an indi­vid­ual dressed like a Secret Ser­vice agent approach­ing the door with a roll of tape and observ­ing the locked door and cam­era before grab­bing a near­by chair to put tape over the cam­era. “The U.S. Secret Ser­vice works close­ly with our part­ners in the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty to car­ry out our pro­tec­tive and inves­tiga­tive mis­sions,” USSS spokes­woman Melis­sa McKen­zie said in a state­ment. McKen­zie said the Secret Ser­vice has been in con­tact with Pow­ers since the July 27 inci­dent.  SECRET SERVICE …