What to watch Tues­day in one of the last big elec­tion nights before Novem­ber

Vot­ers are cast­ing their bal­lots in sev­er­al states’ pri­maries on one of the final elec­tion nights before Novem­ber, solid­i­fy­ing the matchups of sev­er­al key House and Sen­ate races. 
Four states are hold­ing their pri­ma­ry elec­tions on Tues­day, includ­ing Min­neso­ta, Ver­mont, Con­necti­cut, and Wis­con­sin. Although many of the pri­ma­ry races are uncom­pet­i­tive, they set the stage for cru­cial races in Novem­ber that could help deter­mine the bal­ance of pow­er in Con­gress next year. 
Here are some of the top races to watch across the four states: 
One of the most close­ly watched races on Tues­day is the Demo …