JD Vance hits mul­ti­ple net­works in Sun­day morn­ing media flur­ry as Tim Walz lays low

JD Vance hits multiple networks in Sunday morning media flurry as Tim Walz lays low

Sen. JD Vance made the rounds on major news net­works on Sun­day, appear­ing on ABC, CBS and CNN, while his Demo­c­ra­t­ic coun­ter­part, Gov. Tim Walz, was nowhere to be found.Vance gave an extend­ed inter­view with ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, with their con­ver­sa­tion air­ing in full on Sun­day. Vance detailed plans for depor­ta­tions and defend­ed his sup­port for fam­i­ly voting.Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ cam­paign has attacked Vance for past com­ments, sug­gest­ing that par­ents should get extra votes when they have children.“The Democ­rats are talk­ing about giv­ing the vote to 16-year-olds, but let’s do this instead,” Vance said in a speech at a pri­vate event. “Let’s give votes to all chil­dren in this coun­try, but let’s give con­trol over those votes to the par­ents of those chil­dren. When you go to the polls in this coun­try as a pare …