Vance Swings At Kamala: She’s ‘Done As Many Tough Inter­views As Tim Walz Has Bat­tle­field Deploy­ments’

Vance Swings At Kamala: She’s ‘Done As Many Tough Interviews As Tim Walz Has Battlefield Deployments’

Sen­a­tor JD Vance (R‑OH) took a swing at Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris on Sun­day — after he spent the morn­ing tak­ing ques­tions from mul­ti­ple adver­sar­i­al media out­lets — and man­aged to hit her new­ly-announced run­ning mate Gov­er­nor Tim Walz (D‑MN) in the process.
Vance called Har­ris out over the fact that she had risen to the top of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Party’s 2024 tick­et three weeks ear­li­er — with­out get­ting a sin­gle pri­ma­ry vote of her own accord — and ha …