Walz ‘mis­spoke’ in resur­faced video where he says he car­ried weapons in war: Har­ris cam­paign

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s and Gov. Tim Walz’s (D‑MN) pres­i­den­tial cam­paign said Walz “mis­spoke” in a video from 2018 where he said he car­ried weapons into war. 
In recent days, Repub­li­cans have ques­tioned Walz’s mil­i­tary ser­vice, some of which has cen­tered on a video where he ref­er­enced “weapons of war that I car­ried in war.” Walz served 24 years in the Nation­al Guard but was not deployed to an active com­bat zone dur­ing that time.
“We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I car­ried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at,” Walz said in the video dur­ing com­ments about gun vio­lence.
Some, includ­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s run­ning mate Sen. J.D. Vance (R‑OH), have said that those com­ments imply that Walz was por­tray­ing him­self as some­one who spent time in an active com­bat zone. Sat­ur­day, the Har­ris-Walz cam­paign addressed those com­ments.
“Gov­er­nor Walz would nev­er insult or u …