Ari­zona pri­ma­ry shows signs GOP vot­ers warm­ing to ear­ly vot­ing

Repub­li­cans have been push­ing dur­ing the 2024 elec­tion to get their vot­ers to use ear­ly and mail-in vot­ing, after years of urg­ing against the meth­ods, and it appears their efforts may be turn­ing the tide.
For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump led the cho­rus of skep­tics in the GOP regard­ing ear­ly and mail-in bal­lots in the 2020 elec­tion, renew­ing those calls in the 2022 elec­tions. Repub­li­can loss­es in both of those elec­tions were part­ly blamed on the GOP vot­ers not uti­liz­ing ear­ly vot­ing meth­ods, as the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty had.
Ari­zona has been one of the top states where Repub­li­cans had expressed skep­ti­cism over ear­ly vot­ing, but now Repub­li­can can­di­dates and GOP aligned groups have attempt­ed to boost GOP ear­ly votin …