CNN Pan­el EXPLODES When Frum Says Vance Is Claim­ing Tim Walz ‘Is a Sex­u­al Deviant’

Monday’s CNN This Morn­ing briefly came off the rails when pompous pun­dit David Frum of The Atlantic (per­haps the most pompous out­let in the lib­er­al media) said that 2024 GOP vice pres­i­dent can­di­date JD Vance’s crit­i­cisms of Demo­c­ra­t­ic vice pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Tim Walz over his poli­cies and mil­i­tary record are cod­ed lan­guage accus­ing him of being “a sex­u­al deviant of some kind.”

Thank­ful­ly, con­ser­v­a­tive strate­gist Matt Gor­man was on-set to unload on Frum for his “ridicu­lous” ass­er …