Democ­rats Admit Medi­a’s Fail­ure to Inter­view Kamala Har­ris Ben­e­fits Her

<div>Democrats Admit Media's Failure to Interview Kamala Harris Benefits Her</div>

Democ­rats appear over­joyed about the estab­lish­ment media’s fail­ure to secure even one unscript­ed inter­view of Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris for 22 straight days since she joined the pres­i­den­tial race.
Media out­lets typ­i­cal­ly rush to inter­view new­ly nom­i­nat­ed pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates, but Har­ris appears to be an excep­tion to the rule.

The media have not inter­viewed Har­ris on tele­vi­sion since June 24, 2024. The last time the press report­ed­ly ques­tioned her at a solo news con­fer­ence was eigh …