Free­dom Cau­cus Unveils Plan To Pro­tect Trump From ‘Lame Duck’ Omnibus, Shore Up Elec­tion Integri­ty

The con­ser­v­a­tive House Free­dom Cau­cus unveiled on Mon­day a strat­e­gy that seeks to avoid a “lame duck” omnibus pack­age that could extend Demo­c­rat pri­or­i­ties into a sec­ond term of Don­ald Trump as pres­i­dent and would throw in a bill that requires vot­ers to prove cit­i­zen­ship.
Con­gress has until the end of Sep­tem­ber to pass leg­is­la­tion to fund the var­i­ous arms of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment or face the prospect of a shut­down, but the GOP-led House is not expect­ed to return from sum­mer recess until three weeks before that dead­line. If law­mak­ers can­not pass indi­vid­ual spend­ing bills, they could resort to a mas­sive omnibus full of pork and perks.
The Free­dom Cau­cus, which includes a few dozen mem­bers, “believes that House Repub­li­cans should return to Wash­ing­ton to con­tin­ue the work of pass­ing all 12 appro­pri­a­tions bills to cu …