George Con­way: Sociopath Trump Like Hitler in The Bunker, Fam­i­ly Should Have Him Com­mit­ted

George Conway: Sociopath Trump Like Hitler in The Bunker, Family Should Have Him Committed

Maybe some Democ­rats decid­ed all the Trump-is-Hitler talk is passe after some­one tried to assas­si­nate him. George Con­way is not one of those Democ­rats. 

On today’s Morn­ing Joe, Con­way self-owned, that he’s been “yam­mer­ing” on these same vicious anti-Trump themes for years.

But Con­way’s accu­sa­tions reached their apex today. Play­ing off Trump’s Truth Social posts claim­ing that Kamala Har­ris’s Michi­gan crowd size had been fab­ri­cat­ed, Con­way called Trump a delu­sion­al nar­cis­sis­tic psy­chopath, adding that if his fam­i­ly cared about …