‘Kama Kameleon’: New York Post Calls Out Kamala’s Attempt To Hide ‘True Self’

‘Kama Kameleon’: New York Post Calls Out Kamala’s Attempt To Hide ‘True Self’

The New York Post Edi­to­r­i­al Board roast­ed Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Kamala Har­ris on Mon­day for attempt­ing to hide her “true self” from vot­ers and blast­ed the lega­cy media for gaslight­ing audi­ences about her record.
The front page read, “Kama Kameleon: Flip-Flop­ping Har­ris Hides Her True Self From Vot­ers.” The out­let went on to call out the so-called jour­nal­ists who are “des­per­ate to hide” Harris’s views because so many Amer­i­cans are against them.
“Kamala Har­ris is being recast as a cen­trist Dem — but the rad­i­cal truth is plain to see,” the head­line from the Post Edi­to­r­i­al Board says.
In the piece, the edi­to­r­i­al board not­ed that a 2019 report by Gov­Track rat­ed Har­ris “the most lib­er­al” mem­ber of the Sen­ate, but Gov­Track has since scrubbed it. The report also not­ed that she was f …