News­Busters Pod­cast: Sor­ry, ‘There Aren’t Media Lies’ Is a Media Lie

<div>NewsBusters Podcast: Sorry, 'There Aren't Media Lies' Is a Media Lie</div>

One demon­stra­tion of the medi­a’s shame­less refusal to accept that they’re not always fac­tu­al­ly cor­rect came Sun­day on CNN’s State of the Union show. Sen. J.D. Vance told Dana Bash that one rea­son he opposed Don­ald Trump in 2016 is because he accept­ed the media lies, and Bash replied “There aren’t media lies. We play him, and we let him speak for him­self.” 
Senior research ana­lyst Bill D’Agosti­no joined the show to dis­cuss how many exam­ples we could muster. Vance did­n’t go into a litany of recent media lies, start­ing with the cru­cial 2020 lie that Hunter Biden’s lap­top was a Russ­ian dis­in­for­ma­tion plot. The Democ­rats who were claim­ing that did not have access to the com­put­er. It did­n’t mat­ter to the pro-Biden press.
Like CNN, CBS and ABC threw hard­balls at Vance on Sun­day, whil …