Repub­li­can cam­paign arm can­cels more than $700,000 in ads for Ohio Sen­ate race

The Nation­al Repub­li­can Sen­a­to­r­i­al Com­mit­tee can­celed its fall cable ad reser­va­tions total­ing more than $700,000 in the Ohio Sen­ate race.
Accord­ing to AdIm­pact, NRSC can­celed its full cable reser­va­tion in one of the most com­pet­i­tive races in the coun­try in which ads were set to run between Aug. 31 and Elec­tion Day. The ads were to ben­e­fit GOP can­di­date Bernie Moreno and hurt incum­bent Sen. Sher­rod Brown (D‑OH).

#OHPol: The NRSC just can­celled its fall cable reser­va­tions in #OHSen, total­ing $707K from 8.31–11.5. As of now, the NRSC has no future TV reser­va­tions in Ohio.Future OH Sen­ate TV reservations:🔵$86.2M🔴$83.3M
— AdIm­pact Pol­i­tics (@AdImpact_Pol) August 12, 2024

The cam­paig …