The Per­ver­si­ty Of A Dead Pres­i­dent

The Perversity Of A Dead President

If you’re feel­ing out­raged late­ly, you are not alone.
It is out­ra­geous the way that we, the Amer­i­can peo­ple, are being absolute­ly gaslit by the pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States, his pathet­ic vice pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States, and the even-more pathet­ic lega­cy media.
It is a tri­umvi­rate of cor­rup­tion and cir­cu­lar syco­phancy. It’s tru­ly hor­ri­fy­ing. The rea­son it’s tru­ly hor­ri­fy­ing is that the world is on the verge of World War III, specif­i­cal­ly in the Mid­dle East, and today, the Lebanese media report­ed that Hezbol­lah, a major ter­ror­ist group oper­at­ing o …