‘Time is mon­ey’: White House tar­gets chat­bots, hold times, and oth­er cor­po­rate has­sles

‘Time is money’: White House targets chatbots, hold times, and other corporate hassles

The White House has announced a new mul­ti-agency ini­tia­tive aimed at curb­ing the use of cor­po­rate prac­tices that aggra­vate cus­tomers by wast­ing their time, such as long hold times to can­cel sub­scrip­tions and the overuse of auto­mat­ed chat­bots.
The admin­is­tra­tionwide effort, dubbed “time is mon­ey,” comes as part of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s broad­er crack­down on cor­po­ra­tions per­ceived to be prof­it­ing off cus­tomers in tricky or decep­tive ways. For instance, Biden’s White House has made clamp­ing down on so-called junk fees a pri­or­i­ty.
“The admin­ist …