Trump Camp Being Sued By Fam­i­ly Of Late Singer For Using Song At Ral­lies

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and his cam­paign have been sued by the fam­i­ly of late singer/songwriter Isaac Hayes for what it said was the unau­tho­rized use of one of Hayes’ songs at pres­i­den­tial “cam­paign ral­lies from 2022–2024.”
Hayes’ fam­i­ly is demand­ing “not less than” a “$3 mil­lion pay­ment” in licens­ing fees from Trump and his cam­paign for using the song the late singer co-wrote with David Port­ner in 1966 for Sam & Dave, called “Hold on, I’m Com­ing,” at his ral­lies, the Hol­ly­wood Reporter report­ed.
“We the fam­i­ly of @_isaachayes Isaac Hayes Enter­pris­es, rep­re­sent­ed by Walk­er & Asso­ciates, are suing Don­ald Trump and his cam­paign for 134 counts copy­right infringe­ment for the unaut …