Biden focused on ‘lega­cy’ in final months, but skele­ton sched­ule ‘sig­nals’ an emp­ty house to rivals: expert

<div>Biden focused on 'legacy' in final months, but skeleton schedule 'signals' an empty house to rivals: expert</div>

Crit­ics have claimed Pres­i­dent Biden’s seem­ing­ly light sched­ule and infre­quent pub­lic appear­ances since drop­ping out of the pres­i­den­tial race will harm America’s image abroad, even as the White House stress­es recent pol­i­cy wins. “Biden has dis­ap­peared from view, Har­ris is cam­paign­ing full-time, and won’t meet with the press,” for­mer nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er K.T. McFar­land told Fox News Dig­i­tal. “This sends a sig­nal to the world that there is no one in charge in the White House,” McFar­land explained. “Our allies won­der whether they can trust us.  Our adver­saries see this as a wide open win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty, when they can exploit us with­out risk of consequences.”“They know this win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty will slam shut if Don­ald Trump is elect­ed,” McFar­land argued. “We’re in a peri­od of max­i­mum vulnerability.“BIDEN PUT HIS PERSONAL INTERESTS ASIDE FOR THE GOOD OF THE US: DAN GOLD­MAN­Biden has made …