CNN Anchor Push­es For Kamala To Do A Sit Down Inter­view: ‘Seems Like She Has The Time If She Want­ed To’

CNN anchor John Berman asked a Har­ris cam­paign spokes­woman about the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nominee’s sched­ule on Tues­day as Har­ris is seem­ing­ly avoid­ing the media.
Senior Spokes­woman Adri­enne Elrod joined Berman on Tues­day morn­ing and was pushed to answer why Har­ris has yet to hold a press con­fer­ence or sit down for a major inter­view since becom­ing the Democ­rats’ pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee.
“What’s on the vice president’s sched­ule today?” Berman asked Elrod.
“Uh, well, she’s trav­el­ing and talk­ing to vot­ers and get­ting her mes­sage out there …