Con­trast: Wash­Post Demands WH Cen­sor Trump, Doocy & Weg­mann Grill KJP on Kamala

<div>Contrast: WashPost Demands WH Censor Trump, Doocy & Wegmann Grill KJP on Kamala</div>

It was text­book case of con­trasts dur­ing Monday’s White House press brief­ing as, on the one hand, one of The Wash­ing­ton Post’s lead Kamala Har­ris bootlick­ers called for the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment — the Biden-Har­ris regime — to direct­ly inter­fere in the 2024 elec­tion and cen­sor Don­ald Trump and X’s Elon Musk and a s …