Econ pro­fes­sor advances past Dem pri­ma­ry to face GOP oppo­nent in MN 8th House dis­trict

Econ professor advances past Dem primary to face GOP opponent in MN 8th House district

Jen Schuk­tz won Tues­day night’s House Dis­trict- 8 Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry in Min­neso­ta, beat­ing out Demo­c­ra­t­ic Farmer-Labor can­di­date John Munter. She will move on to the Gen­er­al Elec­tion, fac­ing off against Repub­li­can incum­bent Rep. Pete Stauber­Cook Polit­i­cal Report has labeled the 8th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict as “sol­id” Repub­li­can ter­ri­to­ry. Munter of War­ba is orig­i­nal­ly from Albion, New York, and grad­u­at­ed from Duluth East High School and went on to earn a bach­e­lor’s degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta, Duluth in 1972. Accord­ing to Bal­lot­pe­dia, pri­or to his retire­ment, he lat­er got a degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Dubuque The­o­log­i­cal Sem­i­nary in 1988, and worked as a writer and at Delta Airlines.FORMER LEADER OF WALZ’S BATTALION PUBLISHES SCATHING MESSAGE AIMED AT GOVER …