Eric Hov­de wins GOP Sen­ate nod in Wis­con­sin, tee­ing up tight race against Demo­c­rat Tam­my Bald­win

Eric Hovde wins GOP Senate nod in Wisconsin, teeing up tight race against Democrat Tammy Baldwin

Busi­ness­man Eric Hov­de won the Repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion for Sen­ate in Wis­con­sin on Tues­day, set­ting up a com­pet­i­tive gen­er­al elec­tion between him­self and Demo­c­rat incum­bent Sen. Tam­my Bald­win. Hov­de was endorsed by for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump in his pri­ma­ry race and has already spent a sev­en-fig­ure sum on his cam­paign. He defeat­ed less­er-known chal­lengers Charles Bar­man and Rejani Raveen­dran hand­i­ly in the matchup. Bar­man is a farmer in Sharon, Wis­con­sin, who report­ed­ly said he was moti­vat­ed to run after the riots in Kenosha, Wis­con­sin, that fol­lowed the police shoot­ing of Jacob Blake. CASEY TIED TO CHINESE FIRM HE CLAIMED MCCORMICK-LED COMPANY INVESTED IN TO ‘PROFIT’ OFF FENTANYL CRISIS“You don’t want to reward bad behav­ior and vote for Tam­my [Bald­win],” he told Wis­con­sin Pub­lic Radio. “You want some­body that’s going to turn around and straight­en th …