Mary­land Rep. Ste­ny Hoy­er recov­er­ing from ‘mild’ stroke, will resume nor­mal sched­ule next week

<div>Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer recovering from 'mild' stroke, will resume normal schedule next week</div>

U.S. Rep. Ste­ny Hoy­er, D- Md., had a stroke over the week­end but is recov­er­ing, his office said Tues­day. Mar­garet Mulk­er­rin, Hoy­er’s deputy chief of staff and spokesper­son, said he suf­fered a “mild ischemic stroke” and sought med­ical treat­ment. “Mr. Hoy­er has respond­ed well to treat­ment and has no lin­ger­ing symp­toms. He expects to resume his nor­mal sched­ule next week,” Mulk­er­rin said in a state­ment. “Mr. Hoyer’s wife and fam­i­ly extend their deep­est thanks to his med­ical team.“BEWARE THE IDES OF JULY: TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT, BIDEN ENDS RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN IN WILD MON­THThe poten­tial cause of the stroke was not dis­closed. Hoy­er, 85, has served in Con­gress since 1981. In Jan­u­ary, he said he planned to run for re-elec­tion. “I believe I have more work to com­plete on behalf of …