Mey­ers Rejoic­es Elec­tion No Longer Feels ‘Like A Funer­al Dirge’

After a three-week vaca­tion, NBC’s Seth Mey­ers had a lot to catch up on Monday’s edi­tion of Late Night. Amid var­i­ous Olympic-themed analo­gies, Mey­ers was relieved that the elec­tion no longer feels “like a funer­al dirge,” while he also rev­eled in the sup­posed idea that Kamala Har­ris and Tim Walz are dri­ving Repub­li­cans “insane.”

Mey­ers recalled, “When I left this desk three weeks ago, suf­fice to say the vibes were bru­tal. The elec­tion felt like a funer­al dirge. Trump was lead­ing i …