Net­works Fawn Over Har­ris “Momen­tum”, Still HIDE Walz’s Stolen Val­or

Networks Fawn Over Harris “Momentum”, Still HIDE Walz’s Stolen Valor

The Regime Media con­tin­ue to do the bid­ding of their new fig­ure­head, Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris, by enabling her lack of press con­fer­ences and inter­views, fawn­ing over her “momen­tum”, and con­tin­u­ing to ignore the ongo­ing scan­dal sur­round­ing her Demo­c­rat run­ning mate Gov. Tim Walz’s mil­i­tary ser­vice and sub­se­quent embell­ish­ments.
ABC, in firm posse …