Anti-Israel pro­test­ers hand­ed legal set­back in effort to expand DNC ral­ly

Anti-Israel protesters handed legal setback in effort to expand DNC rally

Pro-Pales­tin­ian demon­stra­tors plan­ning large protests in Chica­go at next week’s Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion are fac­ing a legal setback.A fed­er­al judge ruled against a demand by the demon­stra­tors for a larg­er protest route that would take them clos­er to Chicago’s Unit­ed Cen­ter are­na, site of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­ven­tion from Aug. 19–22.U.S. Dis­trict Judge Andrea Wood, in her rul­ing Mon­day night ahead of a Tues­day after­noon hear­ing, stat­ed that the protest route pro­vid­ed by the city adheres to the First Amend­ment of the Con­sti­tu­tion while also address­ing sig­nif­i­cant secu­ri­ty and safe­ty concerns.Chicago is des­ig­nat­ing two pub­lic parks and a 1.1 mile parade route out­side the Unit­ed Cen­ter’s secu­ri­ty zone for protesters.DEMOCRATIC HEAVYWEIGHTS TO SPEAK AT PARTY’S NATIONAL NOMINATING CONVENTION NEXT WEEKHow­ev­er, demon­stra­tors protest­ing the Biden-Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion’s sup­port for Israel in …