Rur­al res­i­dents reveal how they feel about Gov Walz’s ‘very lib­er­al’ poli­cies: ‘We’re mini Cal­i­for­nia’

<div>Rural residents reveal how they feel about Gov Walz's 'very liberal' policies: 'We're mini California'</div>

REDWOOD COUNTY, Minn. — Rur­al Min­nesotans are unhap­py with Demo­c­rat Gov. Tim Walz’s poli­cies, which they say have hurt them over the years.Minnesotans at “Farm­fest,” a local agri­cul­ture trade show, revealed what they thought about Walz as their state leader after the gov­er­nor was tapped as Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris’ 2024 run­ning mate, while speak­ing with Fox News Digital.Matthew A., a Min­neso­ta res­i­dent who owns a farm with his fam­i­ly rais­ing corn and soy­beans, said Walz has “done very lit­tle to help rur­al Minnesota.”“We joke that we’re mini Cal­i­for­nia. Most of us, if we could, we would annex into South Dako­ta. He’s put poli­cies in place that have hurt small busi­ness­es. I have friends that have lost small busi­ness­es because of his poli­cies. It’s killing our small towns, our rur­al devel­op­ment,” Matthew A. told Fox News Dig­i­tal. HARRIS VP PICK MINNEOSTA GOV TIM WALZ LAVISHED ILL …