Senior House Demo­c­rat Suf­fers Stroke

Senior House Democrat Suffers Stroke

Rep. Ste­ny Hoy­er (D‑MD), who served mul­ti­ple terms as House major­i­ty leader, suf­fered a “mild” stroke over the week­end and intends to get back to work after receiv­ing treat­ment, accord­ing to his office.
Mar­garet Mulk­er­rin, Hoyer’s deputy chief of staff and spokesper­son, released a state­ment about the health scare on Tues­day.
“On Sun­day night, August 11, Rep. Ste­ny Hoy­er expe­ri­enced a mild ischemic stroke and sought med­ical treat­ment,” Mulk­er­rin said. “Mr. Hoy­er has respond­ed well to treat­ment and has no lin­ger­ing symp­toms.”
The con­gress­man, who is 85 years old and seek­ing re-elec­tion, “expects to resume his nor­mal sched­ule next week,” Mulke …