‘Squad’ faces final pri­ma­ry chal­lenge as 4 states go to polls Tues­day

<div>'Squad' faces final primary challenge as 4 states go to polls Tuesday</div>

After a tough sum­mer at the bal­lot box for mem­bers of the so-called “Squad,” the group of pro­gres­sive and diverse House Democ­rats is fac­ing its final intra­party chal­lenge on Tues­day as four states in the Mid­west and New Eng­land hold pri­ma­ry elections.Rep. Ilhan Omar of Min­neso­ta faces vot­ers one week after her fel­low Squad mem­ber, Rep. Cori Bush of Mis­souri, lost her bid for re-nom­i­na­tion and near­ly two months after anoth­er Squad mem­ber, Rep. Jamaal Bow­man of New York, fell to his pri­ma­ry challenger.But Omar, who made his­to­ry as the first Soma­li Amer­i­can in Con­gress and the first woman of col­or to rep­re­sent Min­neso­ta on Capi­tol Hill, is the favorite as she faces three pri­ma­ry chal­lengers in the Demo­c­rat pri­ma­ry. Omar is seek­ing a fourth two-year term repr …