Repub­li­can Eric Hov­de to chal­lenge Tam­my Bald­win in cru­cial Sen­ate race

Republican Eric Hovde to challenge Tammy Baldwin in crucial Senate race

Repub­li­can can­di­date Eric Hov­de won the GOP pri­ma­ry for Wisconsin’s Sen­ate seat, set­ting the stage for one of the most com­pet­i­tive elec­tions of the 2024 cycle that will help deter­mine the bal­ance of pow­er in the upper cham­ber next year. 
Hov­de hand­i­ly defeat­ed his two Repub­li­can oppo­nents after gar­ner­ing 90.4% of the vote with 6% of bal­lots tal­lied. The Asso­ci­at­ed Press called the race in his favor at 9:20 p.m. East­ern. 
Hov­de will go on to face Sen. Tam­my Bald­win (D‑WI), who holds one of 23 seats Democ­rats must defend in order to keep their slim major­i­ty in the Sen­ate. The race is rat­ed as “Lean Demo­c­ra­t­ic” by the non­par­ti­san Cook Polit­i­cal Report but has emerged as one of the most cru­cial seats to hold on to in Novem­ber. 

FILE – Eric Hov­de speaks dur­ing the Repub­li­can Nation­al Con­ven­tion …