Trump-backed House incum­bent wins pri­ma­ry in for­mer­ly deep-blue House dis­trict

Trump-backed House incumbent wins primary in formerly deep-blue House district

Rep. Michelle Fis­chbach beat out Steve Boyd in the GOP pri­ma­ry for Min­neso­ta’s 7th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict on Tues­day, advanc­ing to the gen­er­al elec­tion where she will face Demo­c­rat chal­lenger A. John Peters.Fischbach, who received an endorse­ment from the Repub­li­can Par­ty’s stan­dard-bear­er, for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump, has a con­ser­v­a­tive record in her deep-red Min­neso­ta dis­trict, despite draw­ing the chal­lenge of small busi­ness­man Boyd.FORMER LEADER OF WALZ’S BATTALION PUBLISHES SCATHING MESSAGE AIMED AT GOVERNOR’S MILITARY CAREER: REPORT­Fis­chbach served as a state sen­a­tor for more than 20 years pri­or to her elec­tion win in Con­gress in 2020. She also served as lieu­tenant gov­er­nor. In 2020, Fis­chbach flipped the 7th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict red and defeat­ed 30-year incum­bent Demo­c­rat Rep. Collin Peterson.Boyd, who has been out­spent by Fisc …