Vance gets in front of press to prove met­tle to Trump

Vance gets in front of press to prove mettle to Trump

Sen. J.D. Vance (R‑OH) is earn­ing the trust of Don­ald Trump by return­ing to what impressed the for­mer pres­i­dent when he audi­tioned to join his tick­et: His com­fort in front of reporters and on the cable TV cir­cuit.
Over the week­end, Vance sat for three back-to-back inter­views on adver­sar­i­al net­works includ­ing CNN. Before that, he took dai­ly ques­tions from reporters in a cam­paign swing that shad­owed Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris through the bat­tle­ground states.
The media blitz helped draw a con­trast with Har­ris, who has tak­en only lim­it­ed ques­tions from the press three weeks into her run for pres­i­dent. But it also pro­vid­ed Vance a …