Vet­er­ans increas­ing­ly call­ing out Walz’s mil­i­tary record: ‘Shame­ful’

<div>Veterans increasingly calling out Walz's military record: 'Shameful'</div>

Vet­er­ans are increas­ing­ly pub­licly crit­i­ciz­ing Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz over his mil­i­tary record fol­low­ing Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris nam­ing him as her 2024 run­ning mate. “When your coun­try calls, you are sup­posed to run into bat­tle – not the oth­er way,” retired Com­mand Sgt. Maj. Thomas Behrends told the New York Post last week, when Walz was named Har­ris’ run­ning mate. “He ran away. It’s sad.“He had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to serve his coun­try, and said ‘Screw you’ to the Unit­ed States. That’s not who I would pick to run for vice president.“Behrends’ com­ments were short­ly fol­lowed by a del­uge of news cov­er­age sur­round­ing Walz’s 24 years in the Army Nation­al Guard as ques­tions mount­ed sur­round­ing his ser­vice record and claims of “stolen val­or” gained trac­tion. Walz served in the Min­neso­ta Nation­al …