Walz defends mil­i­tary record amid con­tro­ver­sy in first solo speech

Gov. Tim Walz (D‑MN) deliv­ered his first solo speech as the 2024 vice pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Tues­day and direct­ly addressed the recent con­tro­ver­sy regard­ing his mil­i­tary record.
Walz, who was tapped to serve as Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris‘s run­ning mate just one week ago, deliv­ered remarks at the Amer­i­can Fed­er­a­tion of State, Coun­ty, and Munic­i­pal Employ­ees, where he told the crowd he was “damn proud” of his family’s his­to­ry of mil­i­tary ser­vice.
Walz has proven to be a fundrais­ing boon to the Har­ris tick­et. The cam­paign announced it raised more than $36 mil­lion in the ini­tial 24 hours after Har­ris announced Walz as her selec­tion on top of mo …