WaPo, Which Hasn’t Asked Har­ris One Ques­tion, Slams Musk’s ‘Soft­ball’ Ques­tions Of Trump

WaPo, Which Hasn’t Asked Harris One Question, Slams Musk’s ‘Softball’ Questions Of Trump

The Wash­ing­ton Post, among the myr­i­ad of news out­lets that have not asked a sin­gle ques­tion of Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris since she was anoint­ed the Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee, crit­i­cized Elon Musk’s inter­view with for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump on X, carp­ing that Musk asked “soft­ball ques­tions.”
Accord­ing to X, the inter­view and the dis­cus­sion that revolved around it gen­er­at­ed near­ly 1 bil­lion views.
The Post, which com­mon­ly repeats Demo­c­ra­t­ic talk­ing points, titled their piece, “Trump returns to X with tech­ni­cal glitch­es, soft­ball ques­tions from Musk.”
Musk explained the tech­ni­cal glitch­es before the inter­view got going, stat­ing, “There appears to be a mas­sive DDOS attack on X. Work­ing on …