Win­some Sears deeply ‘upset’ over Walz com­bat claim: ‘You nev­er were in war’

Winsome Sears deeply ‘upset’ over Walz combat claim: ‘You never were in war’

Lt. Gov. Win­some Ear­le-Sears (R‑VA) crit­i­cized Gov. Tim Walz (D‑MN) for his past com­ments on his Nation­al Guard ser­vice, argu­ing Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s 2024 run­ning mate has “nev­er” faced com­bat in war.
A 2018 clip of Walz shared by the Har­ris cam­paign showed the gov­er­nor speak­ing against gun vio­lence and stat­ing that “weapons of war, that I car­ried in war” only belong in war zones, a state­ment some have tak­en to imply that he served in com­bat. How­ev­er, Walz him­self has nev­er served in a com­bat zone, with Sears, a Marine vet­er­an, stat­ing many fam­i­lies of vet­er­ans who died in com­bat are like­ly jo …