8 Clever Ways To Get Out Of Help­ing The Poor

8 Clever Ways To Get Out Of Helping The Poor

Spon­sored by Donors Trust:

Pover­ty has been around for all of human his­to­ry — some­times it seems like the poor are always with us. Obvi­ous­ly, this makes hav­ing any empa­thy for them real­ly expen­sive, espe­cial­ly giv­en the price of gas, gro­ceries, and soy lattes nowa­days.
But did you know there are some top-secret, pro-lev­el tac­tics you can use to get out of help­ing the poor? We at the Baby­lon Bee have spent dozens of min­utes inter­view­ing top misers around the globe and come up with the 8 best ways to get out of help­ing the poor. Take a look!

Be poor: It’s a tried and true tac­tic.

Vote for Democ­rats so they can steal from your neigh­bor and take care of the poor for you: Super easy, and it feels great.

Solve pover­ty by wear­ing a “Stop Being Poor” shirt: It’s stun­ning that no one …