Amer­i­cans view Har­ris as more hon­est than Trump, but trust her less on econ­o­my, immi­gra­tion: poll

Americans view Harris as more honest than Trump, but trust her less on economy, immigration: poll

A new poll has found that Amer­i­can adults view Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris as a more hon­est per­son than for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump, but are less like­ly to trust her when it comes to han­dling key issues such as the econ­o­my and immi­gra­tion. The AP-NORC sur­vey of 1,164 adults revealed that around 4 in 10 say “hon­est” bet­ter describes Har­ris, com­pared to 24% for Trump. About 4 in 10 respon­dents also say Har­ris is some­one who “cares about peo­ple like you,” com­pared to around 3 in 10 say­ing that about Trump. Yet when it comes to the econ­o­my, 45% of those sur­veyed said they believe Trump is more like­ly to do a bet­ter job han­dling it, com­pared to 38% for Har­ris, accord­ing to The Asso­ci­at­ed Press. A sim­i­lar dif­fer­ence was report­ed on the top­ic of immi­gra­tion, while inde­pen­dent vot­ers are near­ly …