Biden-Har­ris Admin Plans to Use Bil­lions of Tax­pay­er Dol­lars to Off­set Medicare Plan D Pre­mi­ums Less Than 3 Months Before Elec­tion

Biden-Harris Admin Plans to Use Billions of Taxpayer Dollars to Offset Medicare Plan D Premiums Less Than 3 Months Before Election

The Biden-Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion is using ​​bil­lions of tax­pay­er dol­lars to bail out health insur­ers in order to mask impend­ing ris­es in Medicare Part D plans less than 100 days out from Elec­tion Day — and being crit­i­cized for it.
The Demo­c­rat-sup­port­ed 2022 Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act (IRA) lim­it­ed out-of-pock­et drug costs for Medicare recip­i­ents, which in turn put in …