Bre­it­bart Busi­ness Digest: Kamala Harris’s Infla­tion­ary Lega­cy

Breitbart Business Digest: Kamala Harris’s Inflationary Legacy

Inflation’s Archi­tect: Kamala Har­ris and the 21% Gro­cery Price Hike
Infla­tion is the gift that keeps on giving—if you’re in the busi­ness of writ­ing head­lines, that is. For every­one else, espe­cial­ly those nav­i­gat­ing the gro­cery aisles, it’s an unwel­come house­guest that refus­es to leave.

And who, you might ask, sent out the invite? Enter Kamala Har­ris, the vice pres­i­dent who finds her­self now inex­tri­ca­bly linked to a price surge that’s been as pre­dictable as it’s been painful.
Let’s …