Evan­gel­i­cals for Har­ris ad cam­paign uses Trump’s com­ments on faith against him

Evangelicals for Harris ad campaign uses Trump’s comments on faith against him

A group of Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Harris’s sup­port­ers released their first media spot on Wednes­day in an effort to win over Chris­t­ian vot­ers who are luke­warm on for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s cam­paign.
Evan­gel­i­cals for Har­ris, a 501(c)(4) orga­ni­za­tion asso­ci­at­ed with Faith Vot­ers, released a new ad that fea­tured remarks from an inter­view between GOP poll­ster Frank Luntz and Trump before he was a can­di­date in the pres­i­den­tial race in 2015 at the Fam­i­ly Lead­er­ship Sum­mit in Iowa. Dur­ing that con­ver­sa­tion, Trump talked about his Chris­t­ian faith but said he nev­er sought for­give­ness for his sins, in response to a ques­tion from Luntz.

Great sum­ma­ry by @DBrodyReports of our new ad and campaign!Christians should be swing vot­ers in Amer­i­ca, and our choice is clear in this election.We aren’t giv­ing up on any­one and wel­come all into a nec­es­sary conversation.Join our mem­bers this evening in kick­ing off our… https://t.co/TaXYZeN1j8
— Evan­gel­i­cals For Har­ris (@Evangels4Harris) August 14, 2024

The ad begins with a video clip of the Rev. Bil­ly Gra­ham preach­ing about the act of ask­ing for for­give­ness and then cuts to a clip …